Category: Canada First Day Covers
Showing 281–300 of 944 results
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1824 The Millennium Collection – 7 Hearts of Gold. Pane of 4 containing 1824a – 1824d. 1824a Canadian International Development Agency, 1824b Dr. Lucille Teasdale, 1824c Marathon of Hope, Terry Fox & 1824d Meals on Wheels.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1825 Humanitarians and Peacekeepers FDC. Pane of 4 containing 1825a – 1825d. 1825a Raoul Dandurand, Senator, 1825b Pauline Vanier, Red Cross and Elizabeth Smellie, nursing, 1825c Lester B. Pearson, Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize recipient & 1825d Canada’s role in banning land mines.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1826 The Millennium Collection – 9 Canada’s First People. Pane of 4 containing 1826a – 1826d. 1826a Chief Pontiac, 1826b Tom Longboat, runner, 1826c The Power of the Inuit Shaman & 1826d Healing From Within.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1827 The Millennium Collection 10 – Canada’s Cultural Fabric. Pane of 4 containing 1827a – 1827d. 1827a L’Anse aux Meadows, World Heritage Site, 1827b Immigration-Pier 21, Halifax, 1827c Neptune Theatre, Halifax & 1827d Stratford Festival.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1828 The Millennium Collection – 11 Literary Legends. Pane of 4 containing 1828a – 1828d. 1828a W.O. Mitchell, novelist, 1828b Gratien Gélinas, playwright, 1828c Le Cercle du Livre de France, book club & 1828d Harlequin paperback books.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1829 The Millennium Collection 12 – Great Thinkers. Pane of 4 containing 1829a – 1829d. 1829a Marshall McLuhan, philosopher, 1829b Northrop Frye, literary critic, 1829c Roger Lemelin, novelist & 1929d Hilda Marion Neatby, historian.
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Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1830 The Millennium Collection 13 – A Tradition of Generosity. Pane of 4 containing 1830a – 1830d. 1830a Hart Massey, hart House, U of T, 1830b Dorothy and Isaac Killam, philathropists and molecular model, 1830c Eric Lafferty Harvie, philanthropist & 1830d Macdonald Stewart Foundation.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1831 The Millennium Collection 14 – Engineering and Technological Marvels. Pane of 4 containing 1831a – 1831d. 1831a Rogers Pass, 1831b Manic Dams, Quebec, 1831c Canada in Space & 1831d CN Tower.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1832 The Millennium Collection 15 – Fathers of Invention. Pane of 4 containing 1832a – 1832d. 1832a George Klein, inventor, 1832b Abraham Gesner, kerosene, 1832c Alender Graham Bell, telephone & 1832d Joseph-Armand Bombardier, snowmobile.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1833 The Millennium Collection – 16 Food, Glorious Food. Pane of 4 containing 1833a – 1833d. 1833a Sir Charles Saunders, Marquis Wheat, 1833b Frederick Tisdall, Pablum, 1833c Dr. Archibald G. Huntsman, pioneered packaging frozen fish & 1833d McCain Foods Ltd., marketer of frozen foods.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1834 The Millennium Collection – 17 Enterprising Giants. Pane of 4 containing 1834a – 1834d. 1834a Hudson’s Bay Company, 1834b Bell Canada Enterprises, 1834c Vachon Co., snack cakes & 1834d George Weston Ltd., bakers.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1842a Birds of Canada – 5. Se-tenant block of 4 containing 1839 – 1842. 1839 Canadian Warbler, 1840 Osprey, 1841 Pacific Loon & 1942 Blue Jay.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1848a Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer. Vertical téte-béche pair.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue numbers 1854a – 1854e Fresh Waters of Canada. 1854a British Columbia – Helmcken Falls, 1854b Saskatchewan – lake near Baldwinton, 1854c Alberta – Cameron Lake, 1854d Manitoba – Red River/ Lake Winnipeg & 1854e Ontario – Niagara Falls.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1855 Fresh Waters of Canada. Contains 5 stamps 1855a – 1855e. 1855a Iceberg, Newfoundland/Western Brook Pond, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, 1855b Grande Riviere de la Baleine, Hudson Bay, Quebec/Broadback River, James Bay, Quebec, 1855c Saint John River, New Brunswick, 1855d, DeSable River, Prince Edward Island/St. Peters River, Prince …
2000 Canada #1855a – 1855e Fresh Waters of Canada FDCRead More
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1856 Royal Centenarian Elizabeth, The Queen Mother.
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2000 Canada FDC Scott catalogue number 1858 7th Day Adventist Church, Sunlight breaking through clouds, mountains.